Transcript of Videotape Series Session 9 of 12

Beyond Human -- The Last Call - Session 9 (60 Min)

Here we are again, and this is our ninth session. I'm going to ask the camera behind me to let you see our helpers today.

Well, in an earlier session I believe I explained to you that we got up early, early, early in the morning, while everyone happened to be in the same place because we had a holiday, and we were visiting, and we had a little lesson which I don't need to get into, because I went over it with you at that time. But here's another little illustration that I want to share with you.

In the quarters where I spent last night, I seemed to sleep only a very short time, not that it's that unusual. I don't seem to require that much sleep, which is fine. But from about 1:30 on, it was as if I wanted to stay in communication with Ti and wanted to see if there was anything we needed to alter, or anything I needed to particularly be aware of that I was not aware of in our sessions. And one point that came in so clearly that was new to me, in a sense, because we hadn't discussed it in the sessions, was that really these sessions are for this classroom. In other words, they're for the students. I feel I have instruction that Ti is helping me - hopefully speaking through me - and so on up the pipeline - it's almost as if I have instructions to make these tapes of these sessions for the purposes that the students will have use of if this task continues.

And so it puts the focus on a little different point, because it's up to them. They don't have clear-cut instructions on what to do with these tapes or these sessions, and we don't make those instructions up. We do a step at a time. I think I've mentioned to you before that very often instructions just come a step at a time, and then we wait for the next one. But we do whatever we have received. And we did receive instructions to try this method of operation here to see if it would work for the teacher to make tapes with the students trying to help with the picture and asking some questions. And, it seemed that our Older Member was coming in to those sessions and helping us with information, and it was working. It seemed we were being used as instruments for their information. And as soon as it seemed to flow as well as it did, even though we know that that could change at any time, then we've just been going on with it. It's been hard to stop. We've almost wanted to not miss a day without doing a Session or two, as long as we felt like we were still getting information to go further.

But I want to make the point a little bit more clearly that these sessions and these tapes are, in a sense, teaching tools for the students - to get that idea a little more clearly in our heads. In other words, my relationship with you in a sense is symbolic, and in a sense it isn't. If this task proceeds, my relationship with you might end up being more as grandfather to grandson, and these students might serve more in the capacity as teacher since they are older than you. I don't know if that has clarified in your mind, but it might have if other things that we have said had added up at this time. If they have completed sufficient overcoming of their own in this task, and they received instruction to put the information out, even though the way that instruction came was to do it in this method, then they are in a real sense going to serve in the teacher role with you, or in a sense, in the "midwifing" or the father relationship, if you don't use that as a spiritual term. In other words, if they have completed enough overcoming that they could move right now into our Father's Kingdom, and even move into a physical vehicle of our Father's Kingdom, no longer occupying the vehicle they are in, whether this one or the one that they're in is changed over into that new vehicle or another one altogether, then they don't need to come back to the human kingdom unless sent. That's the instruction we have received - that that's the case.

So, here's another one of those days where you're put to the test by things that we say, because this could be hard to make a mental adjustment to. Each time we arrive at a threshold of a major move forward, it always tests us. And it usually tests us as "I'm not sure I can buy that." But if you examine things, and the next thing you know you say, "Well, it makes sense. I'll just have to see. I'll just have to play it a step at time." And that's the way you should, just simply a step at a time, and checking, just as we check. And you check with your Heavenly Father. You check with your connection, and see if we have the same one. If we don't have the same connection, then that's a clear indication that it's time for you to cease in this process of letting us serve as the instruments to help you get this picture and get this information that we have instruction to share with you.

Well, we're going to proceed with our questions, and I'm going to ask this student what's first on her list of questions?

Student: Well, I wanted to see if you felt like you wanted to say more about the terms "God," "Lord," and "Older Member"?

Do: Yes, I feel that we should. That's a very misunderstood issue. Humans have a lot of misunderstandings about the term "God." So much so that some, without really stopping and thinking about the implications of it, think, "Well, there's only one God and everything in the Heavens is God's, so there must be only one Creature there." And yet they also think that people, when they die, go there. So, how can there only...? Oh well, it gets kind of confusing. And the term "God," the English term "God" - unfortunately in the translation from the manuscripts of the Bible there were different terms used. The English translators kind of lumped them all into one and used "God," no matter which Hebrew name was used. All these names really meant a member of the Kingdom of Heaven who was assigned a particular task "relating" to the humans. So, if you look at manuscripts and see the different names that were applied, some might think, "Well, that's talking about the different characteristics of this one Person." And they don't stop to think that the "Chief of Chiefs" or the "God of Gods," the Almighty, the Most High God, the Creator in the Kingdom of Heaven, can assign some from His membership to assist Him in tending to the garden, certainly in elementary tasks or tasks that would be elementary to the Creator. And that doesn't mean that they have not even learned how to create, in a garden circumstance.

For sake of clarity and understanding, it would help your head, as it has helped us to understand, as it has been given to us, that the different members of the Kingdom of Heaven who were assigned to relate to the humans in this Age, depending upon the task that was their assignment, ended up with a different "title." And it was more of a title than it was a name. If you know much about the history in Hebrew as it relates to the name that applies to members of our Father's Kingdom, there is some discussion that those names were never to be pronounced and never to be spoken. Some even don't write them except maybe a consonant to start it and then a dash and maybe another consonant to end it. There have been all kinds of theological discussions through the years about the "tabooness" of humans being able to call the names, or to not really know the names.

So, the humans were given titles to use for different members of the Kingdom of Heaven that illustrated their task assignments. And like I say, those titles were reduced to just a single title in the translation to English. So, the title "God" is just kind of like a general "over-title," because there were others that were given depending on the task that the member was assigned to by the Creator (or whichever subordinate member assigned that individual) - to work directly with the humans, whether it be with Adam and Eve in the Garden or those in the desert or in Egypt or in Israel. So, don't be confused by these terms. These are simply titles. Now those titles should receive tremendous respect from the humans, because in a sense it is a human relating to a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. And the members of the Kingdom of Heaven wouldn't be relating to them if the information was worthless or if they were simply humans just relating to them in human matters. Those members are relating to humans, trying to help them get mindful of the Truth, the reality that the Kingdom of Heaven exists, that they are "plants" that were made by the Kingdom of Heaven, and if they follow the instruction and behavior from the Kingdom of Heaven, then they can learn to actually aspire to be members of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now, Jesus, in His relationship with His disciples, some of them called Him "Lord," and some called Him "Rabbi" or called Him "Teacher" or called Him "Jesus." And from our point of view, I believe that probably from their reference point that "Teacher" was the most applicable term, and that "Lord" probably meant more in its original meaning, as reference to a member of Our Father's Kingdom, or someone who is above you in the step of growth, the step of elevation, or closer to God. Even in humans' kingdoms, where they have a monarchy (a king or a queen), they use the term "lords" for people in positions of authority and who have higher tasks in the structure of that kingdom government. And when in the Bible they use the terms Kingdom, it's because the illustration of a King and the relationship of the subjects to the King, is very much like a hierarchy of authority in the Kingdom of Heaven. The illustration works, the analogy works. It's very like some of the structures that have been translated into the human kingdom, as they had king and queen and subjects and lords and parliament houses and so forth. We'll discuss a little bit more of that issue the further we go.

Now, a very objective term that we have been given to try to help our understanding, and as far as I know, I don't know of a synonym in the translation of the Hebrew...well I take that back. There are synonyms both in the Hebrew and the Greek that relate to someone who has gone further on the ladder in getting closer to the Chief of Chiefs, or closer to our Father's Kingdom, as Older. And also if they're members of our Father's Kingdom, then we can put those together and they're an Older Member. And we talk constantly about Older Members in relating as a point of reference from one member to another one, a Younger Member, an Older Member. Because that's perfectly synonymous with son, father, grandfather - Younger Member, Older Member, Older Member's Older Member. And in the same way, in the Kingdom of Heaven as a kingdom with a king and subjects, the subjects have a structure that could also be referred to in an analogy of families. For example, in a partnership, there can be, if you use it in the right sense, a husband and wife, or a marriage, because there is a committal. Not husband and wife in the male/female sense, but "marriage" for committal in a partnership where there may not usually be that much age difference or it might be the connecting age difference. So, these are kind of used interchangeably where even these students, for example, see me as an Older Member; I see them as younger members, in the sense that they are committed to the Kingdom of Heaven and have to also accept the Representative in that committal. They have only one Representative. They don't have much choice, at least for the moment we haven't found much choice to give them. So, in a sense they have that same committal they make to the Kingdom of Heaven, with the Representative that was given. And that not only are they younger members to Older Members, but that committal almost becomes like a "marriage," if you can take it out of the male/female relationship context.

It's very interesting to think of those terms, because historically in the manuscripts, as they relate to our Father's Kingdom and its relationship to the humans, certainly in this Age that we know about (we don't know much about the other Ages), these synonyms work - even though through the Ages they've become kind of "Old English" or kind of "religiousized," or we make them something less than objective, less than true, by making them very spiritual terms. And that's the reason that our instruction has been that Teacher is certainly a good and appropriate term. Older Member is certainly a good objective term. We can use that better. We get uncomfortable when they use the term Father, certainly in speaking to me, even though I'm serving in that capacity. But students don't use that term in relating to me because it gives me the jitters, because it kind of brings in the possible religiosity of that terminology. Even though ever since we've begun these sessions, we're talking to you about our Heavenly Father, and even though I realize that Ti is my Older Member, in a sense synonymous with a Father to me, since it's Older Member. In a realistic sense, these are my children. Remember how you get "birthed" into the Kingdom of Heaven? Babies in the Kingdom of Heaven come from adults from the human kingdom, so if these are babies that have come from the human kingdom entering the Kingdom of Heaven, and I am assigned the role of "midwifing," then these are my children, I am their Father. But I still get uncomfortable with it, and we don't use the term relating to me as Father, certainly not Lord, certainly not God, certainly not Heavenly Father. We reserve that kind of terminology for those who are outside of human vehicles and in vehicles that would be the natural vehicle for our Father's Kingdom.

Okay, lets go to the next question, or was there more to that question?

Student: Well, I might be wrong, but it seems like you covered it.

Do: Okay, what's next on our list?

Student: Talking about terms, there are lots of interpretations to the word sin and I'm wondering if you could help us by giving us the real meaning of sin and if there's any validity to karma.

Do: Okay, you put me on the spot when you said, "Will you give us the real meaning of the word sin." I'll do the best I can and hope that it's Ti who is feeding me because I certainly trust the position that Ti happens to be in right now and her relationship with our Older Member. Sin, sin. Karma certainly is in this picture - "karma" meaning a term that a lot of Eastern religions use, and we'll discuss that in a moment. But let's talk about sin. Sin is anything, any behavior, any act - "act" meaning a thought, any conduct - anything that I do that puts space between me and God, or between me and the Kingdom of Heaven, between me and the Representative, between me and goodness. Anytime the part of the mind that's in my soul gets its way, and it's not of that majority side that is mind that has been given to me from our Father's Kingdom, then it is sin. It is information that came from the wrong side of the tracks, that is not true. It is misinformation. It is designed to convert me to the ways of the world or to put me in opposition to my Father's Kingdom and to prevent me from overcoming the world and getting to my Father's Kingdom. That is sin. And you can't talk about sin without talking about death. I'm sure all of you know the little scripture, "The wages of sin are death." Now we've talked about how death doesn't mean losing a vehicle. Death means losing the soul. So, if my soul shrinks and deteriorates and goes further and further away from the Kingdom of Heaven by each act of sin, or each act of the world, or each act of misinformation that I do, then I'm getting closer and closer to death. Because death is when that mind of God that was in my soul has shrunk so that our Father's Kingdom would judge it non-redeemable, non-redeemable, it can't be reversed. It's gone; by its own choices it has gone to the point of being nonexistent. There's not enough good stuff in there to even make it register.

Let's be sure that you understand that certainly in the position in the task that we're involved in, we don't do any judging, and we are not the ones who would be in a position like that. But it's very important that you, as a possible student, understand how behavior adds up.

Before we go any further with that, let's skip to this Eastern idea of karma and the idea that I have to pay for my sins - and this doesn't just apply to the Eastern idea of karma. The truth as it relates to us in the manuscripts is that we pay for our sin, and the wages of sin are death. So, if I continue in the path of sin, I'm going to lose my soul, I'm going to reach death. In a sense, each act of sin that I do is going to take hard work and labor to recover from. If I become an alcoholic, it becomes labor to rise above, really rise above alcoholism. And we're just using that as an example of anything that I would overcome in the process of getting out of the sin that I got into. What's the little saying, that whatever you're bound to on Earth, you're bound to in Heaven? Now, that was using the term "Heaven" to kind of throw several things into one grouping, one terminology, just like "God" is a general term that means a number of different things. "Heaven" also means a bunch of different things to different people. Like "Heaven" was used and is used as a term of where you go when you lose your vehicle. And that may or may not be so, certainly from someone else's point of view. Of course, a lot of people who say, "Heaven is where you go when you lose your vehicle," also say, "If you don't go there, then you go to hell." And "hell," of course, also means different things to different understandings, depending upon how much misinformation you have or how much knowledge you have, or how much closer your information is to the truth, or how you've grown on the ladder of getting closer to our Father's Kingdom. Because that's where that truth comes in - a little bit, little bit at a time. Okay, Heaven and hell, and what happens in between.

Give me that again because I got off the track and I want to get right back to the particulars of where we were.

Student: Yes, I asked what about sin and does karma have any validity?

Do: Okay, let's get back to the karma idea. Thank you. The idea of karma is that I pay for any misdeed I have done. In other words, some of the Eastern religions who believe in the idea of karma believe that, "If I kill somebody, then I'm going to be killed. That same thing is going to come back to me. If I murder somebody, I'm going to be murdered. If I treat somebody ill, I'm going to be treated in the same way." And that's a very close translation. Don't forget, a counterfeit is always very close to the truth. Karma is a counterfeit. Some of what it says is true. Other aspects that it says are not true. Where it becomes untrue is that in our Father's Kingdom our Father can send a Representative to accelerate your possibilities of getting closer to the Kingdom of Heaven. And that Representative, or that individual from that Kingdom, when they involve themselves in your task of overcoming and they assist you in that, they can from an Eastern point of view, or the karma point of view, they can take your karma. Our Father's House's interpretation of that same idea says, "I can take your sin, I can relieve you of your sin." When Jesus said to his disciples that, 'If you truly ask forgiveness, I'll take your case to my Father, I'll represent you to my Father, I'll see what my Father says, and if my Father says it's O.K., you're truly sorry that you did it and you want a fresh start, you want to start over again, then who am I to say...because I'll certainly give you that chance to start over again.' In a sense, then, you would not pay for the sin that you did if you have someone who can take that from you. Now, it has to be a Representative of our Father's Kingdom, as Jesus was, who can take that from you and take it on themselves. In other words, it was a debt that you had. You did a bunch of wrongs and they add up. Every time you do a behavior against our Father's Kingdom, it starts totaling up on a column and the column can get pretty big. It can get pretty terrible. And if you had to pay them off, I don't know how many Ages it would take for you to get them all paid off.

But this is also where "time shortened" comes in and where, as our Father's Kingdom relates to some who are overcoming the world, that debt gets relieved or it gets dismissed. But not altogether, according to the rules that existed in a number of stages of this particular Earth Age. Now, what I mean is it didn't get relieved altogether. And here's where Christians traditionally theologically interpret that Jesus paid it all for you. 'By His blood were ye redeemed.' In a lot of sense of the word, that's absolutely true, and we'll talk about that for a moment. Because He said to His disciples, who were actually physically, personally relating to Him, and as they did things that were against His instruction in their overcoming and they recognized it, they acknowledged it, they asked forgiveness for it, and He said, 'I'll take it,' and He took it. By taking that debt, He's got a bunch of notes He's holding here. They were your notes, and now they're His notes. And I'm not saying it still isn't the case, we don't know. We'll talk about this in a second. But for a long time in our Father's Kingdom, the process was, or a decision from the "Parliament" in the Kingdom, we'll say, or from the "Supreme Court" in our Father's Kingdom, said that those notes have to be paid, somebody's got to pay those notes, those notes of sin. So, if I've committed a bunch of sins and somebody takes my note and relieves me of it and washes me clean and gives me a fresh start, then that somebody who took those notes has to pay for that. And if my total sin certainly amounted to the probability of death had I not had someone to dump it on, I would have "died," I would have lost my soul. And that was the case. Had those souls that Jesus was dealing with, not known Him.... They got some help in being directed to Him, but it also required work of them to pursue Him, to believe Him, to fight off the influences and the doubt that the world gave them. It would have been a lot easier for them to say, "Boy, it's getting too hot around here. People are hunting for Him and they're going to be hunting for me soon. I think I want to go back and play it safe." I mean it would have been real easy for them to stop in their process, because they could have easily said, "Well I just can't believe that He's who He really says He is. We don't have any evidence of this." I mean, that happened. He lost them; He lost many who were in line for entering our Father's Kingdom as sheep of His fold or as students of Him as a Teacher.

Now we'll go back to where we were. If death is the wages of sin, and these who came to Him brought their tally to Him, He took their pink slips, or their notes of indebtedness, and then He had to pay for it in death...and He did. You heard me in an earlier tape (and I hope that you paid close attention) when I said that whether or not He died on the cross, literally diagnosed by a doctor (had there been an advanced doctor present), and rose from the dead, that to base your belief of knowledge from our Father's Kingdom on that one act, and say, "If it wasn't so, then it's all a farce," and we said, "That's ridiculous." We also said that it didn't matter to us whether that act was staged symbolically or whether it was real. But here's another possibility, and we're speculating, that the act could have been very real, had the law still been on the books in the "Supreme Court" as it was handed down, that those debts had to be paid. And if their debts equaled death, then it could also mean that since Jesus took them on, the only way He could pay them was to go through having the sinners (those who were against Him), who were adding up their own tally of the same sins, be the ones who then initiated that death. In other words, they were then used to pay the debt for those who were His students, who gave their debt to Him and He wiped them clean. And He was willing to do that.

Now, our Father's Kingdom is alive and well and "Parliament" is still in session and has not ended. It still makes decisions and it still relates to the Chief of Chiefs. The Kingdom exists. The King is still on His throne. The whole thing works. As to whether or not that same parallel would have to be drawn today if a Representative took those sins, or those notes of old debt of sin, whether they would tally death, we don't know. Or whether the law has come down in specific cases, because it's always judged according to the specific case - it's not prejudged in that respect. Oh, it is prejudged, unless it has been changed. But anytime that something tests it, then you go and check the books and you see if that is still what's on the books, and if it is on the books, then that is what happens. We don't know what's on the books today. We don't know, for example, if that kind of thing would have to happen to this vehicle, if I would have to lose it in that way because of my relationship with these students, or what would happen to their vehicles as they relate to you if you continue in the direction that you're going and they continue in the direction of possibly serving as Older Member or Teacher as they relate to you.

Boy, this requires that you travel fast, doesn't it? We don't know what's "on the books." And we don't guess it. As we have said before, we are not into any martyr trip. We don't like that. It's unnatural. It should not be. It was not designed for anyone to like martyrdom, or to think that they get spiritual elevation by it, which could be a mistranslation (or counterfeit information) of what happened at a death which paid a debt, and then therefore freed the one who paid it and went on up. And it's true if people say Jesus didn't owe that debt. Those sins weren't His - even though at one time He had gone through that same process that they were going through a long time ago. Because that's the way, don't forget, that children get into our Father's Kingdom, and certainly Jesus was one who got into our Father's Kingdom.

Now exactly what the lesson plans were, and the particulars about graduation at the time that Jesus graduated into our Father's Kingdom from a human kingdom, or a human-kingdom equivalent, we don't know because we don't have that information available to us. Don't forget that we have also talked about how every individual on this planet in this Age could have been a created individual instead of one born of sin. I'm afraid that's true. That is sin. That is a condition that was brought to them from a kingdom below. It was an animal condition. It was not intended for human. Even though a human was designed to have the capability of doing that act and they had the option to do it, but they have to look away from their relationship with the One assigned to them by the Kingdom of Heaven in order to participate in that act.

Now, the reason I'm bringing that back up is because Jesus could have graduated in a class or from an Age where that didn't happen, whether that's only theoretical and did or did not take place is unimportant. The fact is that the kingdom of man, the kingdom of human, is designed to go both ways. And by choice in this Age that we know from our history books - our history books being primarily the one history book (the Bible) that most of the public questions the most as to whether or not it's an authentic history book, the one that does actually tell about God's, our Heavenly Father's, our Creator's relationship with man, is the one that the deceived questioned the most as to whether or not it is an authentic record or if it is a collection of some spiritual documents or legends, and yet it is the only record of events. There's a lot in there that you could quibble over. For example, punctuation that means a lot in your understanding of things, and yet for the most part, the Biblical scriptures have no punctuation, so you don't know where one sentence ends and the next one begins, and it could have a lot of different meanings. So, how much of it that man altered, because of misinformation, since that's where Satan camped the most to give misinformation to those who were the rightful heirs of our Father's gets pretty sticky doesn't it?

Okay, we might have gone enough on that course to have you understand that. But it is so important to understand that our Father's Kingdom is alive and well. There is still a group, or there are still individuals that serve in the capacity of the "Court," making decisions about what to do about this case. Sin still adds up, and can add up to such a great total that there's not enough of our Father's mind left in there to account for's impossible for it to be salvaged. Therefore, even at that point then, it becomes a positive because it is recycled. No child of God is lost. And make no doubt about that. But our Father's Kingdom has the right to do that, to recycle what has become so poor. I mean that's what's going to happen. I don't want to sound like a prophet, but here at the end of the Age, this is what becomes such an important issue, because things get very critical at the end of the Age. I know I'm going to throw my teleprompters off here by skipping to that for a moment. You know, humans could say, "This all sounds good and well, but I don't see any evidence. And I could go to the history books and I can't see that this is really...." No, because there are no manuscripts of what happened specifically at the end of the last Age. Therefore, great swarms of members of our Father's Kingdom, plus from the counterfeit kingdom, could come in at the end of the Age and take their part of the harvest of whatever was, in a sense, matched with them, because of what the soul had become at that point. And Luci's kingdom wants souls. He wants them more than our Father's Kingdom. That's kind of hard to understand, but Luci's kingdom needs them. I mean, he needs them desperately as he works against our Father's Kingdom. Our Father's Kingdom wants them because they are His creation that He wants to be able to receive the inheritance of Sonship in his Kingdom. But believe it or not, our Father's Kingdom does not need those souls. Our Father's Kingdom can get along fine without them. He's not out recruiting them because He needs them for an army to work against Satan. Nope! Different altogether. Our Father's Kingdom does not need them. Our Father's Kingdom is all-sufficient. All, for our sake, all-involved in being a benefactor, all-involved in trying to help those with potential to receive their potential, not concerned with building an army. I mean it's certainly true that our Father is so pleased and excited, and nothing could make Him happier than to have graduates into His Kingdom, new children, new grandchildren, new great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren, if you're talking in relationship to the Creator. And it's important that we understand that.

What's next on our list?

Student: Would you like to talk about the domesticated animals' relationship to human, and is that a usable parallel?

Do: Well, I'm glad you brought that up because I think that we should discuss that. And this is going to test some others because we'll have to use terminology that you might have been taught by certain traditional backgrounds to be turned off about. And we have discussed this slightly. I'm afraid we can't discuss this without also discussing the appropriate usage of terms like "creation" and "evolution." And I'm not talking in terms of Darwinism. But just because Darwin existed doesn't mean that things don't evolve and we are prohibited from using the term evolving or thereby using it as "evolution." Our Father's Kingdom has designed a lot of things within the framework of His creation that evolve. And yet where He does not want things to evolve, He takes out a link in the chain so that it can't evolve beyond that. I mean, there will be a missing link so that there's no evolvement beyond that. Or He might permit certain things to evolve and others not to evolve, or vehicles not to evolve but some souls to evolve. So, in that usage, again I say not in the typical Darwinian usage, in the usage that the design of creation also involves evolving, which is beautiful if you think of it in the right way. I mean, as you look at the various degrees of souls that you might be acquainted with on this planet, at their various stages of growth you see things evolving away from the truth, away from our Heavenly Father. And at times they evolve closer. You see it happening in religious groups, or families, nations, or anything. They are either getting more corruptible and more perishable, or less corruptible and less perishable.

Back to her question. Let's talk about the illustration of the domesticated animal in its relationship to the human kingdom and use it as an illustration or parallel to a human who's trying to get into the Heavens, or into our Father's Kingdom. When a domesticated animal doesn't like to act like an animal, doesn't even identify with being an animal, it only cares to please its master, which is the case in different nations with different animals. For the most part in this nation, or in the U.S., it's the dog, or in some instances the cat. The thing that identifies, that we use as our analogy here, is when all that that little animal wants is to please, and it just runs around wanting an indication of, "Am I pleasing? Am I pleasing"? and is just waiting for one moment of attention from that human, and he doesn't like to run with the dogs. I mean, if it has truly evolved, it doesn't want to run with the pack. And I have to bring up another issue here that might touch your funny bone in one way or the other. I can remember hearing some animal rights people who were concerned with the overpopulation of animals in the world and they talk about this "have your pets spayed or neutered." That's one of the kindest things that could happen to that dog or that pet. Because then that gives added help to that little pet to be more preoccupied with service, more preoccupied with pleasing, more preoccupied with, "What can I do"? Now, a lot of times, that's where it kind of separates certain dogs, who want to be petted and that's about as far as their service gets, from others whose service can extend beyond that, where they yield very quickly or easily for a training that can even find them as seeing eye dogs or hearing dogs, or where they are trained to do a lot of tasks. And I think this happens certainly in some countries with development in the monkeys or the chimpanzees. I don't know all the types of domesticated animals that are trying to please the human kingdom. Unfortunately the same ratio happens, that the more difficult the transition is, or the more of a requirement there is, in other words, the stiffer the task is of trying to assist in real service to the human kingdom, the more it weeds out a lot of the dogs, or whatever the domesticated animal might be that really shows a conscious desire for approval and to serve.

It's the same way for a human who's trying to overcome his humanness and not associate with humans and wants only to be a member of our Father's Kingdom and would even crave to be "spayed" or "neutered." Remembering in generations past even some of those Essene communities that we've talked about did do neutering of their sexuality in order to get closer to their Heavenly Father. And Jesus certainly knew of that when he gave the little illustration of some become eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, 'some become eunuchs because others have made them eunuchs - some make themselves eunuchs in order to serve the Kingdom of Heaven.' So, if you read that carefully within its context, you see how that exists. There's a very strong parallel. And at this point we have to switch into another gear as we talk about this domesticated relationship of the animal to the human or the human to our Father's Kingdom.

We have to talk more in terms of a soul than a vehicle. (I'm not saying this is true, and we don't teach it as truth. We have examined it because it was given to us to examine, and it seems likely, and we certainly wouldn't be disturbed if that's the way it happens.) If you just understand that the most likely scenario is that the spirit of a domesticated animal that wanted only to please and was willing to go to "X" step, at some point it received its reward and got to move in as a beginner in the human kingdom. And we don't know what all the rules were as to who got to move into the human kingdom - what spirits got to move into the human kingdom. At that point, then, this thing that we call soul and identify as a package for mind that comes from two sources, even the rightful application of the word soul comes into existence for the first time. Needless to say, the dog wasn't able to talk to his neighbor dog about his soul. That wasn't in his vocabulary. Only upon reaching into the human kingdom does even that word processor become a part of his potential, and to his brain and his understanding, so in that sense of the word, then, "soul" began in the human kingdom. Though there was still something that could have certainly come from that devoted creature, that life force that wanted to move up, that wanted not to be like the other creatures in his kingdom but wanted to associate with that human kingdom. And it helps you get this picture if you can accept that illustration. Whether the illustration is that accurate or not is relatively unimportant, though it seems likely that it might be.

Okay, I was going to go to a later question but think for the moment we'll stick to our pattern here. Was that her question? Okay, what's next on your list?

Student: I wondered if you wanted to go back to the topic we were discussing at the end of the last tape on possessions and indebtedness and charge cards, and perhaps not leaving a mess behind.

Do: Well, we have to because we just barely got started on that, and that's such an important issue. I'm trying to recall, since we have made Sessions 6 and 7, wasn't it? Or 7 and 8? We've made 7 and 8 twice and it's hard to be clear as to how much was covered. You know, I've got to stop here and remind you that we've talked about how lessons are hard for us, and the reason they're hard for us is because it drives it home. And the lesson I learned that caused us to have to redo the tapes has side issues, like the one I'm speaking of now. It makes it hard for me to remember, and being hard for me to remember helps me not forget that lesson, if I apply it in that way.

Okay, to go back to the topic, it'll be funny if just about the time we get back to the topic, we see the little card. We haven't seen it yet. Okay, here we go.

If you know your religious manuscripts, if you know the Judeo-Christian literature, you know that a number of times in that material, it speaks of the value of man's relationship to possessions and money and indebtedness. If someone borrows something from you, if they need to borrow it from you, if you have it and they need it, and it's valuable to them, from Our Father's point of view, then, you give it, and if they pay it back, fine; if they don't, you forget about it. Needless to say, that's not the way it is in this world. And that's not really nearly as important an issue as the issue that has gotten so totally out of sync with our Father's Kingdom, and that is indebtedness. In the human world out there today, everyone owes for everything, and that is totally contrary to our Father's Kingdom. According to our Father's Kingdom, you should not have use of anything that did not come your way rightfully. It is improper to go out and borrow money, then get something and put it into use, and then you owe for it, and frequently by the time you've paid for it, it's worthless. So, then what do you do? You borrow more money and buy insurance policies to cover what it was that you didn't have use of so that you would have a guarantee that you might be able to have use of something that you have no right to have a use for. Well, I'm going to try to go as quickly as I can with this issue. The principle that we have to live by is that we are not permitted to have any indebtedness. And we can see the value of that, that what is given to us is adequate. If it is not given to us, then we have no business using it. If we ask for it and do not receive it, we go and re-examine our asking and discover that it was improper asking. It was inappropriate asking. And the same thing goes for credit cards. How can we owe the petroleum company for gasoline that we're using in our automobile when it isn't paid for, it isn't ours? And we might not ever have the ability to pay for it. Of course, then Satan has another little thing that comes in real neat. You can just get it all relieved by claiming Chapter know, fresh start. And yet it really isn't a fresh start - in a sense, it's held against you. But the principle of our Father's Kingdom says that, "What I give to you, I give to you, it is yours." He does not give us anything that we owe Him for. We've talked about the only kind of indebtedness that He knows anything about is when we go against Him. Then we are creating an indebtedness against Him. That is hard to pay for step by step, of course, unless relieved. But credit cards therefore are taboo, unless you can have one because it might help open a door for you and you don't use it. That might be an okay thing. Now, that means even for automobiles, yes, it means houses, it means everything, and we've got to cover this issue more because that sign that 10 seconds are left just went up and we'll start here next time and see how far we can go.

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